Friday, November 30, 2007


Well I have a few minutes to write this a.m. and I just have to share this picture. I will explain the picture if I can figure out how to upload it to this post. Ok let me try to figure it out.

OK it worked so let me explain.
My dear Hubby (yes that is him in the dog crate) was playing with Justin (n his green power ranger suit as usual) you know the normal stuff sword fighting, catch and then cops and robbers which is how he ended up in the hand cuffs (look close) and then Justin wanted to put him "in jail" which Hubby agreed to. So in the crate ( it is the crate for my doberman so it is very large) he went..... willingly. Justin locked him so I ran upstairs and grabbed the camera and he couldn't do anything because he was locked in (HA HA HA). The first thing that he said was don't put that on your blog. Well I just could not help it because it is to funny;-} . I am so glad that he plays with them I could have one of those hubbys that could careless that he has kids. Anyway I hope you guys found this as funny as I did and can't wait until he checks my blog again and sees that yes it did post it.
Well I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving (for those of you that celebrate and if you don't let me know what you for holidays. I think that my favorite is Christmas. Not so much for me these days but just the look of joy and sheer happiness on the face of my kids even Jake still believes in Santa at least this year not so sure about next year and Justin as at the age where we are telling him about Santa so this will be a good year for him.
I was sitting around last night and just pondering different things as I watched ER (been watching that for many years same stuff just different cast) and realized that the year is almost over. I can not believe that the whole year is almost gone. Where did it go? Speaking of time and changes I absolutely hate this time it is dark at like 5 o'clock that drives me crazy it messes with your sleep schedule and well just everything.
Well this is it for time Justin realized that I was doing something and decided that it must end so I will try to post again tonight.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


New questions at the bottom check them out.

Just a little

I have been so busy with everything. I can not believe that I decided to start a blog right in the middle of the holidays. If everyone is like me you don't have time to go to the bathroom much less try to keep up with all the little stuff like laundry, cooking, reading email and keeping up your blog or reading some other ones.

I have so much to tell the people that read but it is going to have to wait until tomorrow because yet again it is almost midnight (at least where I am). I also have the craziest picture to share. but again that will have to wait until tomorrow.

Please keep reading and leaving post it is the only time that I sit down and take a break and I really enjoy hearing from everyone. Sooooo I will be back tomorrow........

Monday, November 26, 2007

Momma's gone

I was banned from the computer while my Mom was here because she said that it was rude. I guess she didn't realize that this is the way that I relax TV does nothing for me, I like to sit read the news and my email in peace after the kids have gone to bed.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and happy family times.

I have many errands to run and I must go and get ready already running late. Just wanted to let everyone that reads that yes I am alive and doing well. I will write again tonight after the kids are in bed.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


I can't help myself I love doing this (blogging) it is sooo much fun.

Not much new this a.m. just wanted to leave something for those of you that read my blog.
It is so nice to have my Momma here she is giving me such a break. I am still in the house but she is totally entertaining Justin and that gives me some time. She does worry way to much he bumped his head this morning on 2 different occasions and trust me he does this ALL the time cause he climbs on everything anyway she almost stroked out and it was nothing major. He did cry a little but like I said he does this all the time. He is the wild child when he was 20 months old he fell and hit his head on a concrete step and had to have 12 stitches at the top of his left eyebrow and when he was about 14 months old he grabbed the heating element in the dishwasher and got 2nd degree burns. That was not something that I even thought about being a hazard. So Moms watch out for those dish washers injuries.

Friday, November 16, 2007

It's over

Well it is over Momma and my Step dad have arrived and the kids are loving it. I am so glad now we just have to maintain it, and that can be very challenging. We are going to be out and about a lot visiting... well sight seeing so maybe just maybe it will stay clean just a little.

I was watching my dear hubby poke and stir the fire in the fireplace and realized that even though he is not from the south he is defiantly a Redneck (again I am from Alabama so I have experience with this). As he was poking the fire with a curtain rod (yeap I said curtain rod one of those metal ones that extend) I just had to laugh and tell a "you might be a redneck joke" (Jeff Foxworthy is very famous for this) and he just replied that it is safer than the real poker because it does extend and save his hands from the fire, however I had to doctor him with solarcaine (a type of medicine used for bug bites, minor scrapes and burns) because he did have a large red burn. I also believe that Jake is going to be a redneck just a very smart one (you can be smart and still be a redneck again I have seen this happen just not often). More on this later.

Well as I said Momma is yelling that being on the computer with company is rude (I say this is yet to be determined) but I don't get to vote because she is Momma. I will try to write again tomorrow or so.

Almost here.....

Well the time has come and the cleaning journey is almost over (except the dishes in the sink). They will arrive in about 2 hours. I did all the stuff dusted, vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom (yuck, why can't boys hit the hole!!!), and swept the floor and you can't even tell because my adorable 3 year goes right behind me to mess it up. I can not believe that he drew on my loveseat with a sharpie he got the wall to but my magic eraser will save the day there, the loveseat however I have no idea what to do!

I am not sure how much that I will get to write over the next 8 days or so because my mother thinks it is sooo rude to check my email or anything with company even though she is just watching TV when I get to check it at night but whatever..

If I don't get to make anymore post until she leaves I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and great naps (you just can't help it turkey does that to a person).

Thursday, November 15, 2007

seeing red.....errrr black

Well in the mists of cleaning and doing ok Justin (3) decided to decorate the loveseat with a black sharpie guess my magic eraser will not help that he may not get to watch tv until he's 5 ........ more later

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


please check out the questions at the bottom I will change them every week or so. Nothing to serious just fun!

still gettin ready for Momma

I am so happy I got some hits.... Thanks very much for checking out my blog. I am still going crazy trying to clean.....only 1 day and a half left to get everything good (notice I said good not perfect it is never perfect with kids).

I am soooo tired I have been going nonstop for like a week or so and tomorrow it is going to be even worse because I have to have Jake to school by 8:30 and at a meeting by 9 and I have to stop and get coffee or I will be useless.

This is so neat I love meeting ..... well not really meeting but ya know what I mean. I would really like to know where everyone is from if you don't mind telling me. I am originally from the great (not) state of Alabama. We moved back down there after being away for almost 8 years and and moved back north about 11 months later. We were not even there for a year (it was 9 days to be a year. I think the Alabama air did something to Justin (he was born there) because that kid is totally different from Jake more on that later. I really like the people but there are no season changes you go from summer to winter (but it is fall like temps). I love PA the seasons change and it is still beautiful with all the trees changing and I really love snow, not so much to play in (have to though) but we do like to go tubing but just knowing that there is snow on the ground sitting by the fire, cuddled up with a book or watching TV after the kids are in bed. It is never really cold enough to wear a coat much less have a fire in Alabama.

I will try to write tomorrow if I have time for those who are reading and I am going to start responding to the comments that are left. I think I have almost figured it out.

Picture to the left

This was Justin's 1st birthday party. We had it at an indoor play thing (all the tubes, slides, ropes that you climb) there was NOWHERE to give him a bath...... he was so mad when he cried his tears were chocolate.....

Back to the cleaning

Man it never goes away or gets any better...... I will get one room all clean, move on to another one and when I walk by the one that I just finished it is messy again......I quit.

I really can't wait until my Mom gets here she is not so bad and I get a huge break. I might even get to go out alone with my hubby!!!

However my step Dad loves to pick on the kids and I keep trying to tell him that Justin (3) is mean and will not think twice about punching him in the nose, hitting him with a sword or bat (or anything else he can reach), or just kick ya for the fun of it. I guess he will believe me when we have to take him to the ER because he was beat up by a 3 year old ( how embarrassing would that be!!!)

Let me tell ya Justin (aka Stinky so rotten that he stinks) has like 4 Power Ranger (1 green, 1blue, 2 red) suites and he refuses to wear anything else I have to bribe him to change clothes so that we can go out and as soon as we get home he strips and puts one right back on. I am so tired of seeing these suites I could get even more crazy.

Well coffee is almost gone so I must force my self up and do the cleaning thing again.

Did I mention that i also have 3 dogs a 10yo beagle mutt, 5yo Dalmatian, and a 1 yr 4day old doberman 60 pound playful puppy. forgot about the hamster to.....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Crazy and still cleaning

I did get the comments to post (still not sure how).
I am having a crazy day again. It started out fine but then it just keeps going down hill. I put Justin (3) in bed early just because he was on my last half of nerve and Jake (9) is on the list tonight as well. I guess someone is always on the list in some form or fashion. Justin messed the bathroom up AGAIN it is like the 4th time that I have had to clean it in 2 days.

This is going to be great if I get to vent some. I am sure Justin gets tired of hearing it and he doesn't respond well already acting like a man. I must go clean some more it seems to never go away

Trying the Blog!!!

OK I am here and I am going to try this blog thing. I am just glad that I didn't try this yesterday. I was defiantly a crazy mom. I am trying to get the house all clean (more than usual) because family is coming in the end of this week for about 2 weeks and all I did all day was reclean rooms that I had already cleaned because the 3 year old put a newspaper in the potty ( I guess he thought it was a good idea) then in the other bathroom he whizzed all over the floor.

On a better note I guess it is not so bad today at least not yet. I am not sure how all this blog stuff works. I have been reading a blog lately and it looks like it can be fun. She has managed instant success over a Pokemon listing on eBay. I wish that we all could get that lucky. I can't even find a Literary Agent that will give me the time of day and read the books that I am trying to get published.

Well I am going to see if this works and get some hits.