Justin's favorite new toy! Santa brought him this and he loves it!!! It is really quite zippy and he has even learned how to pop wheelies already (I think this has Emergency Room all over it.) Christmas was very good at our house this year Jake got that Wii that he has been wanting and JC got a new PS2 (his PS3 is broken and we gave away the other PS2) and I got a really cool digital picture frame. This is only a small list the boys are still opening packages!!!! I have decided that Christmas is NOT going to be like this next year The boys do not need anything and I want to them to know that Christmas means more than getting presents. So I guess we will see what happens next year.
I am sorry that I have not posted in a while but the holidays are such a rush between working, shopping, wrapping, shopping, more wrapping, cooking, and all the other stuff that has to be done I just totally loose track of everything.
By the way I got one of those precooked hams from Apple Lane Farms this year for Christmas dinner and it was AWESOME!!! however, we only got to eat a small amount because my stupid ass mutts took it right off my counter and ate the whole thing!!! Man was I mad..... they spent like 2 days outside in the rain!!!
I will try and post more often have a face book page now that I spend more time on because it is more interactive! No one leaves any post here anyway.....