Friday, November 7, 2008

Justin's Tattoos

Justin's tattoo

I sent this from Jake's fall festival. Justin had both of his cheeks painted then had a fit for a tattoo (the removable kind) and he would have it no other way until he got it put right in the middle of his forehead. I swear this child has a stubborn streak a country mile wide (it is because he was born in Alabama).

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Just sitting around!!

I am just kind of hanging out and thought that I would blog a little...
Justin is still sick so we are starting our 2nd round of antibiotics tonight and hopefully this one is going to work. Why oh why do the doctors give out the crapy antibiotics first knowing that they are not going to work do they do that just so we have to pay 2 co pays or what!
Anyway besides all that JC is just getting better finally he was pretty sick last week to.

I am having a hard time trying to think of what to write about nothing exciting happens to me anymore just home, school, work, daycare and back home no time for anything fun.
We are trying to plan on going snow tubbing this winter I am sure that we are going to have to take a road trip for that because we have moved to far down south to get any snow;-( I am really going to miss it. I really did not like to play in it but I LOVED curling up on the couch with hot chocolate and a good book in front of the fire place. Now it is to dang hot for a fire!

I guess that I better get up and do some stuff so I will post again later

Sunday, November 2, 2008

All is Sick!!!

Well it has been one of those weeks, everybody but Jake has been sick with JC being the worst. We both had bronchitis and Justin is just all snotty. Of course what does he do that drives me just nuts! He wipes his nose on his shirt sleeves even though we have tissue sitting on every table.
Things are going pretty good here. I really like my job (most of the time) and I made a new friend which is great because my best friend of 17 years has a crappy man that does not let her talk to any of her friends and her kid needs major discipline but that is a whole nother story. I really love her like a sister though.
It is really early I HATE TIME CHANGE!! I got up at 6:30 this morning UUGH!
I will post again soon